Everyone can make huge savings on price with our fantastic value Online SalSabado Package!
Purchase your tickets for any of our listed events securely and instantly using our 24 hour checkout service. Get them early enough and be entered into the draw to win your Salsa FREE for a month!
You will need a debit or credit card or a paypal account to use this service, but you will not be charged any fees for using our digital checkout.
Once you have completed your purchase, you will automatically receive an email confirming your order and including details of the tickets you have purchased.
Keep this email in a safe place or print a copy out - it is your ticket entry into the events you have chosen. You can either show the email direct on your phone at the door or present your printed copy.
If you have purchased tickets for more than one event, you will need to keep the email until you have attended all events.
SalSeduce is the North East's Number 1 salsa provider, bringing you regular classes, events, workshops, showcases, entertainment packages and private tuition. Check us out on our website and on Facebook for more information.
Click on one of the event categories below to see more details of the tickets available to purchase.